picture of the 3 pillar checkpoint security systems for double doorways

3 Pillar Checkpoint Security System


Checkpointâ„¢ 8.2Mhz 3 Pillar Doorway Security System (Refurbished)

  • Product Description:
    This refurbished Checkpoint™ 3 Pillar Security System is made in the USA and designed to secure a double doorway or a six-foot-wide opening. It creates an easy three-foot entrance and exit, offering superior detection for the smallest of tags and labels—making it one of the most effective systems on the market. Ideal for pharmacies using paper label tags, optometry shops with smaller hard tags, or jewelry stores utilizing small jewelry hard tags with lanyards. Fully wheelchair accessible, this system complies with disability act laws.
  • Installation:
    A six-foot base plate is available (sold separately) for easy installation. The base plate hides interconnecting wires, allowing the system to be self-standing with no need to drill holes in the floor. Optional extended parts warranties are also available.
  • Warranty & Support:
    This refurbished system includes a 6-month parts warranty and 5 years of tech support by phone. Additional parts warranties can be purchased as needed.
  • Additional Information:
    Sensortgs.com is not affiliated with Knogo, Checkpoint, or Sensormatic Corporation. This system, originally retailing for over $4,000, provides exceptional value as a refurbished unit.

Sensortgs.com is not affiliated in any way with Knogo, Checkpoint or Sensormatic Corporation.

Checkpoint 3 tower security system for double doorway

SKU: ST58012. Category: . Tag: .

Product Description

Checkpoint retail security systems are ideal for double doorways. The 3 pillar checkpoint security system is refurbished, and made in the United States of America.  Perfect to secure a double door or six foot opening, this three pillar configuration forms an easy three foot entrance with a 3 foot exit.  This tower configuration will pick up the smallest of tags and labels the best of any system available.  We also offer a 6 foot base-plate for easy installation (see our other product listings).  The base plate hides the interconnecting wires and makes the whole system self standing so there are no holes in your floor at all. As a refurbished unit these towers carry a 5 year tech support by phone package and a 6 months parts warranty.  An additional years parts warranty is also available at a reasonable price… see other product listings.  Parts are also generally available for purchase once the warranty has run out.

This 3 Pillar 8.2 MHz Checkpoint Security System Refurbished is perfect for a pharmacy that is using paper label tags, or an optometry shop that is using smaller hard tags, or a jewelry store that is using the smaller jewelry hard tags with lanyards.  Wheelchair accessible, this unit passes the disability act laws.

Made in the USA this unit, new, retailed for over $4000




Additional information

Weight 90 lbs
Dimensions 67 × 23 × 6 in