cone security tag pins
cone security tag pinssecurity tag pin

Security Tag Pins Cone


Security Tag Pins – Cone Style (1000/Packet)

  • Product Description:
    Security Tag Pins – Cone Style are designed for use with mini UFO tags, Knogo tags, and larger UFO tags. These stainless steel pins provide enhanced security due to their cone-shaped head, which makes it more difficult for shoplifters to pry the pin out of security tags. Each packet contains 1,000 pins, but smaller quantities are available, including half cases of 500 pins upon request by calling Sensortags at 800-934-7080.
  • Key Features:
    • Durable Design: Made of stainless steel for long-lasting use.
    • Enhanced Security: The cone-shaped head offers added protection against tampering.
    • Versatile Use: Compatible with mini UFO tags, Knogo tags, and larger UFO tags.
    • Package Options: Available in packets of 1,000 pins. Smaller quantities, including half cases of 500 pins, are also available for purchase.
    • Replacement Pins: Ideal for replacing lost or damaged pins, as it’s common to lose or damage 5-10% of pins per year.

The Security Tag Pins – Cone Style offer reliable security and are a perfect choice for retail stores looking to enhance loss prevention efforts.

SKU: ST58079. Category: . Tag: .

Product Description

Security Tag Pins Cone

Security Tag Pins Cone are packed 1000/packet.  Cone style security tag pins are used with mini UFO tags, Knogo tags and larger UFO tags. Pins can purchased separately as you will generally damage or lose 5-10% of your pins per year.  You can purchase smaller quantities of pins if 1000 is too many for your retail location.  Half cases of 500 are also available if you call Sensortags at 800-934-7080.

These cone pins are thought to be more secure as the cone head makes it harder for a shoplifter to pry the pin out of a security tags.   These cone pins are made of stainless steel.

Additional information

Weight 5.2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in

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